Polyurethanex - 2013
5th International Specialized Exhibition
Dates: February 26 - 28, 2013.
Venue: Pavilion 1, Hall 1, Crocus Expo, Moscow, Russia.
Organizer: Exhibition Company "Mir-Expo".
5th Polyurethanex - 2013 final video
Polyurethanex - 2013 report on activity:
February 26-28, 2013 at IEC Crocus Expo there were held the 5th edition of POLYURETHANEX exhibition – a leading international specialized event in polyurethane industry in Russia, where full range of manufactures of raw materials, equipment and finished products of polyurethanes is widely introduced.
The target of POLYURETHANEX is to boost the Russian polyurethane market, development and introduction of polyurethane technologies and materials in different branches of industry: automobile manufacturing, construction, chemistry, furniture and shoe making, and others.
Display area increased by more than 100 percents in comparison with the last year. Almost 50 exhibitors took part in the show from 14 countries (United Kingdom, Hungary, Germany, Italy, People's Republic of China, Lithuania, Netherlands, Belarus Republic, Republic of Korea, Russia, Ukraine, USA and Turkey). Among the exhibitors were the following companies: Bayer, Cannon Eurasia, Chemtura, Huntsman, Wanhua-BorsodChem, R.M.P.A. Srl, Biesterfeld Spezialchemie Rus LLC, Chem-Trend GmbH, Zelu Chemie GmbH, Vladipur NVP, Polion-P NPP JSC, FKP Permsky Gun-Powder plant, Momentive Performance Materials Rus LLC, H&S Anlagentechnik GmbH, Polyols Plant LLC, S.P.B. NPF LLC, Himpostavschik JSC, PPU XXI VEK LLC, Walter Chemie LLC, Kimteks Kimya Tekstil Urunleri Ticaret A.S., Eigenmann & Veronelli S.p.A. and others.
At the POLYURETHANEX 2013 there presented the following brand new materials and products: PU MIX Technologies srl demonstrated Ribbon Flow technologies for automatic roller covering in PU Elastomer without molds ( PU Gel dispensing machines, Double density-double colored PU soles complete plant). New heat-resistant foamed poly(meth)acrylimide structural materials
V.A.Kargin Polymer Research Institute has developed the technology of preparation of foamed polyimide material of grade Acrymide® that has a unique spectrum of temperature and strength properties exceeded the existing foamed materials. These properties allows it to be used in the production of aircraft engine cowlings, helicopter blades, fuselage parts, vessels hull, parts of complicated household appliances and others.
Ostec Group of Companies presented new technology concepts for process automation of adhesives, compounds and hermetics application.
February 27, 2013 within the business program of the exhibition there were held the 5th International Practical-Research Conference consisting of 2 seminars. At the seminar called Production and Use Technologies of Polyurethane Materials there were the specialists’ presentations of Dow Izolan LLC (Title: Dow-Hyperlast polyurethane elastomers), BYK-Chemie GmbH (Title: Air Release and Wetting and Dispersing Additives) and Stepan, USA (Title: Stepan: Global Polyester Producer).
At the second seminar called Polyurethanes for coating materials production there were the specialists’ presentations of Bayer AG (Title: Two-Component Sprayed Coatings: Aromatic and Aliphatic Polyurea.), Attika Chemicals LLC (Title: Highly Filled Polyurethanes and its application) , Lamberti S.p.A. (Title: Water Polyurethane Dispersions of Lamberti for industry and construction) and Novyi Dom LLC (Title: Modern Approach to polymer materials’ tinting).
At the same time with Polyurethanex, there held 2 international specialized exhibitions: Composite-Expo (6th edition) allowed a wide range of specialists to get acquainted with innovation technologies of manufacturing and samples of finished products of composite materials for different branches of industry and Adhesives and Sealants (1st edition) attracted significant attention of specialists of the industry: manufacturers and consumers of adhesive and sealing materials.
Over 120 exhibitors took part in the show from 16 countries (Austria, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, People's Republic of China, Macedonia, Netherlands, Belarus Republic, Russia, USA, Turkey, Ukraine, France, Czech Republic, Finland and Thailand). February 26, 2013 within the business program of the Composite-Expo exhibition there were held the Current State and Prospects of Development of Production and Use of Composite Materials in Russia, 5th Practical-Research Conference, organized by Union of Composites Manufacturers and Mir-Expo Exhibition Company LLC.
It is worthwhile to point out a significant interest to the exhibition from foreign specialists, who were present at the event both as exponents and visitors as well.
Independent audit check of statistic figures were fulfilled for the second time during Composite-Expo and Polyurethanex exhibitions. According to the experts on the space of 4500 sq. m. there situated 163 exhibitors, including 109 national (domestic) companies and 54 foreign ones from 19 countries. Over 6000 people visited the shows and 98% of them were specialists in different fields of industry. It is evidence of the growing demands of the Russian market to use modern innovation materials and technologies in different industries.
UFI Standard Audit Certificate of Polyurethanex - 2013 Exhibition:
Exhibitors responses:
“The exhibition of this year seceded by no means – the number of exhibitors and visitors conspicuously increased. Active work had been humming at our stand for all three days of the exhibition. It witnesses a highly developed polyurethane market here in Russia”. (Albena Vassilieva, Senior Communications Manager BMS & BTS, Bayer ZAO).
“I've received several genuine visitors bringing serious enquiries. I have finalized two PU machines during the fair. The result is positive and my impression is that Polyurethane industry is dynamic in Russia, even though the scenario of technology level for PU processing in local factories is not homogeneous and many companies are planning to automatize their PU workshop more and more, that means potential business for PU machines and plants manufacturers like PU MIX Technolgies. (Ing. Massimo Ceoldo, PU MIX Technologies srl).
“I’d like gladly mark that every year the volume and number of exhibitors of the event has been permanently increasing. For the first two days of the exhibition there were much more visitors on our booth than at the editions 2-3 years ago. It is obvious that polyurethane industry is developing and it’s important that there is such a meeting place for all the participants where you can exchange skills between one another, know something new and meet future suppliers, buyers partners. We wish the event further development and prosperity!” (Konstantin Rzayev, Managing Director, ChemPartners).
“Despite the widespread recession in Europe, Wanhua-BorsodChem is focusing in Central Eastern Europe on the growing markets like Russia and other CIS countries. Therefore, the 5th Polyurethanex was an excellent venue for meeting other stakeholders and experts from the regional polyurethane industry. That was the 2nd time we attended the exhibition where we again met complete success also according to the feedback of our customers. We believe that Mir-Expo made a great job of creating an atmosphere that brought in so many companies. Being one of the largest PU raw material supplier in the world, we were happy to see all the customers and players from the region in one well organized event. We consider this exhibition as a sustainable successful event and we intend to be back in the future”. (Ms. Dorottya Szalay, Marketing Communications Manager, Wanhua-BorsodChem).
The majority of the exponents showed the intention to take part in the 6th International Specialized Exhibition Polyurethanex next year. It’s planned to be held in February 25 - 27, 2014 in Crocus-Expo, Moscow.
* Exhibition was held together with the international exhibitions Composite-Expo 2013, Adhesives and Sealants 2013, RusLite 2013, IMTECH 2013.
Polyurethanex - 2013 Exhibitors opinion
Polyurethanex - 2013 Exhibitor List:
- Biesterfeld Spezialchemie Rus LLC, Moscow, Russia
- Defom LLC, Moscow, Russia
- Zavod polyolov, OJSC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
- IMTT - Italian Machine Tools Technologies, Moscow, Russia
- Chemtura Netherlands B.V., Representative Office, Moscow, Russia
- Kronos SPB Ltd., St.Peterburg, Russia
- Lakokrasochnaja Promyshlennost, magazine, Moscow, Russia
- LKM-press, Moscow, Russia
- Momentive Performance Materials, Moscow, Russia
- Permskiy Porokhovoy Zavod, Perm, Russia
- R.M.P.A. Srl, Italy
- Polyurethane Trading House LLC, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Russia
- Unikom-Service, Ltd, Research-And-Production Enterprise, Pervouralsk, the Sverdlovsk Region, Russia
- Huntsman (Netherlands) B.V., representative office, Moscow, Russia
- ChemPartners, CJSC, Moscow, Russia
- Chem-Trend GmbH (Moscow representative office), Moscow, Russia
- Kirelis LLC, Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, Russia
- Polion-P NPP, ZAO, Zaraysk, Moscow Region, Russia
- S.P.B. NPF LLC, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
- Khimpostavschik M, CJSC, Russia, Moscow
- Evonik Industries AG Plant Goldschmidt, Essen, Germany
- Zelu Chemie GmbH, Murr, Germany
- Sinochem International Corporation, ShangHai, China
- H&S Anlagentechnik GmbH, Sulingen, Germany
- KP Verlag, Norderstedt, Germany
- Walter Chemie LLC, Staraya Kupavna Town, Noginsk District, Moscow Region, Russia
- Wanhua-BorsodChem, Kazincbarcika, Hungary
- Ostec Enterprise Ltd., Moscow, Russia
- PPU 21 VEK, Russia, Moscow Region
- Polymer-Komplex, Producers' cooperative, Moscow, Russia
- Jianhua Chemicals Inc., East Village, Hebei Town, China
- SD KOREA CO. Ltd., Hwaseong, South Korea
- Flotenk ZAO, Saint Petersburg, Russia
- Vladipur NVP LLC, Vladimir, Russia
- Scientific Research Institute of Polymers, Federal State Unitary Enterprise, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorog Region, Russia
- Cannon Eurasia LLC, Moscow representative office, USA
- Bayer CJSC, Moscow representative office
- PU MIX Technologies srl, Italy
- Kimteks Kimya Tekstil Urunleri Ticaret A.S., Istanbul, Turkey
- Eigenmann & Veronelli S.p.A., Moscow representative office, Russia
- SUREL LLC, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
- Poliser PU (FLOKSER TEKTiL SAN TiC A.S.), Istambul, Turkey
- Nordichem Europe SIA, Marupe, Latvija
- Artkim Group, Istanbul, Turkey
- Putech EURASIA 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
- Aspect Trading House, LLC, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Business program:
The 5th International Practical-Research Seminar Production and Use Technologies of Polyurethane Materials
Date: February 27, 2013.
Venue: IEC Crocus Expo, Pavilion #1, Hall #1, Conference-ZONE.
At the Conference there will be considered the questions concerning the production and application of composite materials as well as will be indicated the main problems of the development of the Russian market of composite materials and ways of their possible solutions.
The specialists of the companies dealing with production and application of composite materials, for example, such as representatives of automobile manufacturing and tractor industry, aviation and ship-building, manufacturers of rolling stock and transport infrastructure, representatives of natural monopoly and others, are planned to be visitors of the Conference.
Dow-Hyperlast polyurethane elastomers
Speaker: Mr. Belyanin Fyodor, Sc.D., Business development manager, Dow Izolan LLC, Vladimir, Russia.
Air Release and Wetting and Dispersing Additives
Speakers: Mrs. Srtizhova Larisa – Technical Adviser Plastics Additives of BYK, Mr. Hubers Sascha – Technical Consult Ambient Curing Resins, BYK-Chemie GmbH, Germany
Stepan: Global Polyester Producer
Speaker: Mr. Tomasz Slaba, Area Sales Manager, Stepan, USA
International Practical-Research Seminar Polyurethanes for coating materials production
Date: February 27, 2013
Venue: IEC Crocus Expo, Pavilion #1, Hall #1, Conference-ZONE.
Two-Component Sprayed Coatings: Aromatic and Aliphatic Polyurea.
Speaker: Mr. Tatskiy N.V., Bayer AG in Russia and CIS.
Highly Filled Polyurethanes and its application
Speaker: Mrs. Liberovkaya O.V., Attika Chemicals LLC, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Water Polyurethane Dispersions of Lamberti for industry and construction
Speaker: Mr. Ovsyannikov R., Representative , Lamberti S.p.A., Italy
Modern Approach to polymer materials’ tinting
Speaker: Mr. Bedeneev O.V., Mr, Shuklin D.S., Novyi Dom LLC, Izhevsk, Russia
Polyurethanex - 2013 video:
is being prepared...
Polyurethanex - 2013 photos: